14 missionaries will be going to serve the poor. Please help sponsor them and keep them in your prayers. Financial donations can be sent to Mary Our Queen, 6260 The Corners Parkway, Norcross, GA 30092. Please write in the memo line of your check "Honduras Mission". Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Safe and Sound in Honduras

Hello from Honduras! God be praised we all made it to Casa Guadalupe safe and sound.

This year's team: on the back row: Fr. Justin, Paul, Tom, Amy, Franklin, Deacon Michael, Mark, Russ, Fr. Felix, and Joe
On the front row: Colin, Andy, Claudia, Adriana, Briana, and Meghan

This year you, our generous benefactors, sent fourteen missionaries from the parishes of Mary Our Queen and St. Michael’s. We look forward to serving the people in Honduras.

Please pray for us and for the people that we will be serving.
A special thanks goes out to those who donated items for the Friars.
The Friars were using a cobbled together computer comprised of half a laptop and a screen. Your generosity provided the Friars with an actual desktop computer to replace the laptop.

Internet allowing, we will update you on our daily activities through this blog. This year, our work crew will be reroofing seven houses. We will also be doing some evangelical work alongside the Friars such as bringing Communion to the homebound, spreading the Gospel, and working with children’s ministries.

A few of the suitcases filled with donated items.
Tomorrow, we will prepare to serve the people of Honduras through participating in a silent retreat at Casa Guadalupe. During this time, rest assured that we will be praying for all of you.

In Christ,
Meghan and Colin

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