while John and Eric paint the outside of the window grill
Dear Friends,
As part of our mission trip, Mary Our Queen flies some Friars from New York down to help us. Br Andre is helping with the painting and Brs. Gabriel, Miguel andMalachey are helping the the Adventures of Faith team.
Last night Br. Malachey gave all of us his testimony. It was a touching story of his faith journey where a confession and the Eucharist eventually lead him to see Jesus in the least among us.
Today we started our day again with prayer and Mass. Fr Francis Mary talked to us in the homily about seeking our vocation on a daily basis. A vocation is a call of God. First we have to give God permission to let Him in and open our heart. We also have to receive God´s love and to trust that he knows what we need. If we do what he is asking us, it leads to peace and joy....the only thing that we truly satisfy us. Each of us are called to ask God each day what His will is for us.
The work team went back to the house. They started to paint the colors on the wall. The main area of the house is a yellowy peach color. It looks good and the family is thrilled. Yesterday the father of the house insisted on giving the team something (even though they have very little) so he walked to a store and bought the team some Pepsi. The team was very humbled by his simplicity and generosity.
After lunch the work team unpacked and shelved all of the items that you donated to bring with us. The Friars are so appreciative of your generosity. Thank you.
The Adventures in Faith (AIF) went back to the same aldeas to do their program. Today´s theme was on the Bible. The children were so excited to see the team back again. We are not sure who is having more fun....the children or the AIF team.
Today we had pancakes, bananas, and watermelon for breakfast and for lunch we had spaghetti and salad. It´s amazing how good food tastes when you are hungry.
Thank you again for your support again from home. We feel the power of your prayers. We are also praying for all of you at home.
God bless, The Mary Our Queen Mission Team
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